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Coalition releases recommendations on the Proposal Text of the pandemic accord

On April 26th, 2024, the coalition published these recommendations in response to the Proposal Text released on April 17th.
Coalition releases recommendations on the Revised Draft of the Negotiating Text of the pandemic accord

On March 14th, 2024, the coalition published these recommendations in response to the Revised Draft of the Negotiating Text released on March 7th.
PPATS completes design of Spillover Prevention Accelerator (SPA)

With generous support from the Novo Nordisk Foundation[1] and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, PPATS has completed a feasibility assessment of, and developed initial plans for, the Spillover Prevention Accelerator (SPA).
Read here and here
Coalition, WCS, FOUR PAWS, and signatories release recommendations on the Revision 2 text of the political declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on PPPR

On August 9th, 2023, the coalition, WCS, FOUR PAWS, and signatories published these recommendations in response to the Revision 2 text of the political declaration.
Coalition publishes recommendations on the zero draft of the political declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on PPPR

On June 10th, 2023, the coalition shared these recommendations in response to the first draft of the political declaration released on June 5th.
Coalition attends hearings on PPPR at UN headquarters

On May 9th, 2023, our secretariat member Pranav Savanur and coalition member Christine Franklin attended the multi-stakeholder hearings on PPPR at the UN headquarters in New York City and delivered statements on the importance of spillover prevention.
Coalition participates in engagement forum by the Canadian government

On March 21st-22nd, 2023, coalition member Christine Franklin and Lina Dieudonné from our Secretariat participated in an engagement forum organized by the Canadian government in Ottawa to get feedback on the zero draft of the pandemic accord.
Coalition releases recommendations on the zero draft of the WHO pandemic accord

On February 15th, 2023, ahead of the 4th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body, the coalition published this advisory note. It it crucial that this accord take a comprehensive approach to pandemic prevention and include detailed provisions to reduce spillover risk.
Coalition publishes their 2022 impact report

On December 20th, 2022, we released our impact report for 2022. This document highlights the impact we've had over the past year, the growth of our coalition and our financial support, and what we are excited to achieve in 2023.
Coalition hosts session at the Global Health Landscape Symposium

On December 8th, 2022, our coalition hosted a session at the Global Health Landscape Symposium in Washington D.C., calling for a comprehensive approach to pandemic prevention, which includes spillover prevention. Our panel included Deputy Assistant Secretary Jim Levy, Dr. Jon Epstein, Dr. Neil Vora and Ashley Arabasadi. We were pleased to have a full room and an engaged audience.
Coalition shares their recommendations on the conceptual zero draft of the international instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

On December 1st, 2022, ahead of key negotiations, our coalition published this advisory note, urging member states to ensure that the draft better reflects primary pandemic prevention priorities.
Jhpiego joins the coalition

The coalition is pleased to welcome Jhpiego as a member.
Jhpiego creates and delivers transformative health care solutions that save lives. In partnership with national governments, health experts and local communities, Jhpiego builds health providers’ skills and develops systems that save lives now and guarantee healthier futures for women and their families.
Re:wild joins the coalition

The coalition is delighted to welcome Re:wild as a member. ​
Re:wild works to protect and restore the wild, the most effective solution to the interconnected climate, biodiversity and human wellbeing crises. Founded by a group of renowned conservation scientists together with Leonardo DiCaprio, Re:wild is a force multiplier that brings together Indigenous peoples, local communities, influential leaders, nongovernmental organizations, governments, companies and the public to protect and rewild at the scale and speed we need.
Coalition publishes advisory note on draft international instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

On September 2nd, 2022, our coalition released an advisory note outlining specific text we recommend should be added in the instrument to ensure it reflects primary pandemic prevention priorities. This note will inform the feedback of member states and other relevant actors, which they must submit by September 15th, 2022.
Coalition publishes recommendations on draft international instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

On July 15th, 2022, the coalition published recommendations on the first draft of this international instrument, which will be discussed at upcoming meetings in Geneva. We outline why spillover prevention must be included and offer suggestions for how to integrate it in relevant sections of the instrument.
Coalition sends letter to the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors

On June 28th, 2022, the coalition sent a letter to the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors, who will decide on June 30th whether or not to set up a new fund for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. The memo for this meeting was leaked in the media and this letter outlines the coalition's deep concerns about the proposed governance, operations and scope of this new fund.
Coalition releases recommendations on the updated draft of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

On June 13th, 2022, ahead of negotiations in Nairobi, the coalition released a position paper urging Parties to the CBD to include in their feedback on the updated draft of the Global Biodiversity Framework the position that reducing the risk of pathogen spillover must be retained in the final version of the framework.
The Global Health Council features the coalition as part of its member spotlight

On May 31st, the Global Health Council published a blog by the coalition as part of its member spotlight. This blog outlines the work of the coalition and urges global health actors to recognize the importance of spillover prevention. It calls on them to encourage coalition between sectors, in line with the One Health approach, to help prevent pandemics.
PPATS releases media advisory on avian influenza (H5N1)

On April 26th, 2024, PPATS published this advisory in response to the recent spread of a highly contagious bird flu (H5N1) to cows—and now detected in milk.
PPATS Coalition releases their 2023 Impact Report

The report highlights the coalition's impact - including the launch of the Lancet-PPATS Commission on Prevention of Viral Spillover and work catalyzing policy reform in Indonesia - and details what the coalition is excited to achieve in 2024.
Coalition releases recommendations on the Negotiating Text of the pandemic accord

On November 2nd, 2023, the coalition published these recommendations in response to the Negotiating Text of the pandemic accord released on October 16th.
Coalition shares recommendations on the Compilation 1 text of the political declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on PPPR

On June 23rd, 2023, the coalition published these recommendations in response to the Compilation 1 text of the political declaration released on June 21st.
Coalition releases recommendations on the Bureau's text of the pandemic accord

On June 7th, 2023, the coalition released recommendations on the Bureau's text of the pandemic accord. These recommendations are meant to guide the resumed negotiations of the drafting group from June 12th to 16th, 2023.
Coalition publishes updated recommendations on pandemic accord

On April 17th, 2023, the coalition released updated recommendations on the pandemic accord zero draft. These are meant to inform the textual proposals which member states have to submit by April 22nd, 2023.
Coalition participates in listening session by U.S. government on the pandemic accord

On March 16th, 2023, several members of the coalition participated in a listening session held by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to get inputs from civil society on the zero draft of the pandemic accord.
Coalition members and the coalition Secretariat summarize expert opinions on how to implement actions to reduce the risk of spillover

In March 2023, coalition members and the coalition Secretariat released this report detailing five interventions to reduce risk for pathogen spillover and early disease spread to prevent outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics.
Coalition co-hosts event with Germany and France at COP 15

On December 16th, 2022, our coalition co-hosted an event with Germany and France and our partners the International alliance against health risks in wildlife trade and PREZODE on the margins of COP 15 in Montréal. Speakers included France's State Secretary for Ecology Mme Couillard, Dr. Nicole Redvers, Dr. Kim Grutzmacher from GIZ, Dr. Chadia Wannous from WOAH, Cristina Romanelli from WHO and Marie-Christine Cormier-Salem from IRD.
Ahead of COP15, coalition releases advisory note on the draft Global Biodiversity Framework

On December 1st, 2022, ahead of the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15), our coalition released this advisory note, calling on Parties to the CBD to explicitly include reducing the risk of pathogen spillover in target 5 of the Global Biodiversity Framework.
The Taskforce for Global Health joins the coalition

The coalition is delighted to welcome The Taskforce for Global Health as a member.
The Task Force for Global Health, founded nearly 40 years ago to advance health equity, works with partners in more than 150 countries to eliminate diseases, ensure access to vaccines and essential medicines, and strengthen health systems to protect populations..
Coalition participates in public hearings on the international instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

On September 13th, 2022, the coalition's Secretariat and member submitted videos as part of the second round of public hearings on the international instrument. We called on the WHO and member states to ensure the instrument explicitly includes provisions to reduce the risks of spillover.
The Hill publishes op-ed by coalition executive director and member on monkeypox and new pandemic fund

On September 5th, 2022, the Hill published an opinion piece by coalition executive director, Dr Nigel Sizer, and member Dr Neil Vora highlighting the importance of including spillover prevention in the scope of the new pandemic fund. As the monkeypox outbreak reminds us, preparing for outbreaks is important but inefficient on its own.
Coalition sends recommendations to the Board of the new fund for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

On September 2nd, 2022, the coalition sent their recommendations to this Board, urging them to explicitly include spillover prevention in the scope of actions to be supported, to set up an inclusive and diverse governance structure and to revise the operational design of the fund. ​This Board will meet for the first time in early September.
Coalition Executive Director moderates panel at the High-Level Political Forum

On July 11th, 2022, the coalition's executive director, Dr. Nigel Sizer, moderated a session on SDG 15, Life on Land, at the UN's High-Level Political Forum in New-York. He emphasized that protecting terrestrial ecosystems is key to addressing the most pressing existential crises we are facing today: climate change, biodiversity loss and pandemics.
(Photo by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth)
Coalition member Neil Vora speaks at Aspen Ideas on preventing the next pandemic

On June 22nd, 2022, coalition member Neil Vora spoke on a panel at the Aspen Ideas festival titled "After COVID: Preventing the Next Pandemic". He highlighted the importance of preventing pandemics at the point of spillover and of adopting a One Health approach.
Coalition provides feedback on the World Bank's white paper on a fund for pandemic prevention, preparedness & response

The World Bank invited individuals & organizations to submit feedback on this white paper by June 1st, 2022. The coalition highlighted why it is crucial that the fund includes spillover prevention in its scope. The coalition also made several recommendations on the fund's governance and operations.
Coalition executive director and members comment on the monkeypox outbreak

EcoHustler and Scoop released statements by the coalition's executive director, Nigel Sizer, and four experts from the coalition on the monkeypox outbreak. This outbreak highlights the need to take all the necessary steps to prevent pathogen spillover.
Read in EcoHustler and in Scoop
The Express publishes op-ed by coalition executive director in response to Bill Gates' new book and monkeypox outbreak

On May 28th, the Express published an op-ed by coalition executive director, Nigel Sizer. He outlines why Bill Gates' new book "How to prevent the next pandemic" misses half the picture on pandemic prevention. While what Gates advocates for is crucial, he overlooks the measures we can take to reduce spillover risk. The ongoing monkeypox outbreak reminds us how critical these measures are.
Coalition prepares advisory note on a global fund for pandemic prevention and preparedness

On May 9th, the coalition released this advisory note urging governments and other donors to support the creation of new fund for pandemic prevention and preparedness. This document includes the coalition's recommendations on the fund's structure and governance, scope, funding required and funding sources.
Coalition participates in public hearings on a new international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

On April 12th and 13th, the WHO held the first public hearings regarding a new international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
The hearings comprised a spoken and a written component, guided by the question: “What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?”
Statement on the IPCC Working Group II contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report

The IPPC Working Group II's report is clear. Some of the impacts of climate change are already irreversible and we must act now if we want to avoid further similar impacts.
By safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystems, we can not only mitigate and adapt to the severe threats of climate change but also protect ourselves from the devastating impact of future pandemics. Ignoring this interconnection at such a critical time could prove catastrophic.
Coalition hosted a side event on pandemic prevention at the resumed meetings of the Convention on Biological Diversity

On March 14th, 2022, the coalition hosted a side event at the resumed meetings of the CBD in Geneva. This event focused on making the case for the inclusion of pathogen spillover prevention in the Global Biodiversity Framework and presenting the coalition's recommendations on specific language that should be included in the Framework.
Coalition advisor and members publish comment in Nature on pandemic prevention

On May 12th, coalition advisor Dr. Aaron Bernstein, four coalition members and Raina Plowright published a comment in Nature on pandemic prevention.
This comment outlines why spillover prevention is crucial, what the policy opportunities available to us are and four key recommendations to prevent pandemics at the source.​
Coalition publishes advisory note on a new international instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

On April 15th, the coalition published an advisory note calling the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body and WHO member states to include provisions to reduce the risk of pathogen spillover in a new international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. This document outlines what these provisions are and why including them is crucially important.
Statement for World Health Day 2022 "Our planet, our health"

The theme of World Health Day 2022 is "Our planet, our health". However, major UN bodies mention nothing in their statements about one of the most urgent actions to protect both our health and our planet: the reduction of spillover.
In this statement, our Secretariat calls for major UN bodies and global leaders to include prevention of spillover as a key element of their policy efforts and public communications.
The Association of Zoos and Aquariums joins the coalition
The coalition is delighted to welcome The Association of Zoos and Aquariums as our newest coalition member.
The Association of Zoos and Aquariums is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of zoos and aquariums in the areas of conservation, education, science, and recreation. AZA represents more than 235 facilities in the United States and overseas, which collectively draw more than 200 million visitors every year.
Coalition member WWF releases new report on the evidence connecting forests and human health

On March 10th, 2022, coalition member WWF released a new report on the link between forests and human health. They found that, in addition to helping mitigate climate change and biodiversity loss, the conservation, protection, and restoration of forests is also critical to safeguarding and promoting human health, including through reducing the risk of zoonotic pathogen spillover.
Coalition Executive Director talks about the commonalities between the climate crisis and pandemics
The coalition's Executive Director, Nigel Sizer, talks about the common cause behind climate change and COVID-19:
the encroachment of humans on the natural world.
He goes on to discuss nature-based solutions to both these crises such as protecting and restoring tropical forests, and how we can all act to help address these crises.
Coalition publishes recommendations on the first draft of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

On February 25th, 2022, the coalition published a position paper urging Parties to the CBD to include in their feedback on the first draft of the Global Biodiversity Framework the position that reducing the risk of pathogen spillover must be explicitly included.
Coalition members release petition calling on President Biden to adopt a National Biodiversity Strategy

On February 23rd, 2022, IFAW and various other coalition members published a petition in the New York Times calling for President Biden to adopt a National Biodiversity Strategy. This petition highlights the link between the nature and biodiversity crises and pandemic prevention.
Coalition advisor and members publish ground-breaking paper on the costs and benefits of pandemic prevention

On February 4th, 2022, Aaron Bernstein (Director of Harvard Chan C-CHANGE) and various coalition members published a groundbreaking paper on primary pandemic prevention in Science Advances. This paper finds that that preventing pandemics at the source costs less than 1/20th the value of lives lost each year to emerging viral zoonoses and has substantial co-benefits.
In Memoriam: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy

We were deeply saddened to learn about the passing of one of our advisors, Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, on December 25th, 2021. We are committed to driving his legacy forward by shedding light on the link between the destruction of nature and emerging infectious diseases, and by continuing his fight for the preservation of biologically diverse ecosystems.
Coalition Executive Director on the Voice of Islam podcast

On November 25, 2021 our Executive Director, Dr. Nigel Sizer joined the Voice of Islam podcast to discuss the importance of the amazon tropical rainforest, the increasing rates of deforestation in Brazil, the need to protect frontline forest defenders, and how protecting forest can help stop the next pandemic.
Coalition Executive Director on the Innovation Forum podcast

On November 19, 2021, our Executive Director, Dr. Nigel Sizer joined Innovation Forum weekly podcast to discuss the relationship between deforestation and pandemic prevention, and why taking action to preserve forests is an essential human health imperative along with other takeaways from COP26.
Watch the latest Coalition video on nature-based solutions to climate, biodiversity, and pandemic threats

The coalition, together with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology have prepared a video highlighting the potential of nature-based solutions to address multiple challenges including climate change, preserving biodiversity and preventing the next pandemic. The coallition calls on global leaders, health and environment actors must join forces, for people and planet, and invest in protecting nature.
Coalition to host high-level event at COP 26 on Climate and Pandemics

On November 9, 2021 the coalition will host a roundtable at COP26 to discuss the two crises faces by humanity, and the interconnectedness of solutions; how stopping the spillover of viruses from wildlife into humans - will also help combat the climate emergency.
With speakers from Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the US State Department, Gabon Ministry of Water Forest Sea and Environment, Indigenous community leaders and many more.
Jane Goodall Institute joins the coalition

The coalition is delighted to welcome The Jane Goodall Institute as our newest coalition member.
The Jane Goodall Institute is a global community conservation organization that advances the vision and work of Dr. Jane Goodall to lead a movement of conservation for the common good.
Coalition convened high-level event at UNGA on Rethinking Pandemic Prevention

In September 2021, leaders across science, public health, environmental conservation, and policy gathered at a symposium to urge UNGA leaders to invest in comprehensive plan for preventing pandemics at the source.
The Tenure Facility joins our coalition

The coalition is delighted to welcome The Tenure Facility as members of our Coalition.
The Tenure Facility is the first and only international, multi-stakeholder institution exclusively focused on securing land and forest rights for Indigenous Peoples and local communities.
Nature publishes correspondence from coalition executive director, advisor and member

On September 14, 2021, Nature published a correspondence on the importance of spillover prevention.
This short letter was written by Nigel Sizer, the coalition's executive director, Dr. Aaron Bernstein, one of our advisors, and Neil Vora, one of our members.
Statement on G7 Leaders’ Summit

On June 11, 2021, the coalition released this statement noting how G7 leaders are neglecting critical steps that would reduce the risk of future pandemics.
Statement in advance of the 74th World Health Assembly

On May 20, 2021, the coalition released this statement expressing our concern that measures to be discussed at the World Health Assembly will not prevent future pandemics.
Co-founders of the coalition publish commentary on preventing pandemics at the source

On May 4 2021, co-founders of the coalition, Sonila Cook and Nigel Sizer, published a commentary in Mongabay about how we can prevent future pandemics of zoonotic origin by taking the right measures now.
Memo to the Biden Administration

The coalition calls on the Biden Administration to include spillover prevention as part of a comprehensive strategy to prevent future pandemics.
In April 2021, we wrote a memo to the Biden Administration that clearly laid out what is needed for the US to take leadership in preventing future pandemics at the source. We continue to strongly urge the Administration to take these actions that are so desperately needed to prevent the next pandemic.
Coalition releases statement to G7 governments must act fast to focus on viral spillover to prevent the next pandemic

On March 05, 2021, we released a press release calling on the Group of Seven (G7) governments to fill a major gap in post-COVID recovery plans.
Coalition member WRI releases podcast on pandemic prevention

On February 24th, 2022, coalition member WRI released a podcast diving deeper into the link between environmental degradation and the emergence of infectious diseases. This follows their feature of pandemic prevention on their annual "Stories to Watch" event earlier this year.
Coalition publishes blueprint for pandemic prevention

On February 22nd, 2022, the coalition published a 2-page document summarizing the case for preventing pathogen spillover, based on the latest research, and the priority actions that should be taken by governments. This document also addresses how foundations, donors and businesses can help.
Coalition member WRI features pandemic prevention in their annual "Stories To Watch" event

The World Resources Institute, a member of our coalition, featured the prevention of pandemics at the source in their Stories to Watch 2022 virtual event on January 19th. WRI President & CEO Ani Dasgupta showed how the link between the destruction of nature and pandemic risk is one of the big stories that will shape the world in 2022.
Coalition statement on drafting of UN global accord on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response

On December 9, 2021 the coalition prepared this statement welcoming the landmark agreement announced at the conclusion of the WHA and urging governments to ensure that the accord includes actions to prevent pandemics at the source.
Coalition prepares advisory note to the delegates of the special session of World Health Assembly

On November 23, 2021, the coalition prepared this advisory note for delegates in advance of the Special Session, calling to ensure that prevention at the source and reducing the risk of zoonotic spillover be included explicitly in the scope of the development of a new international instrument.
Coalition Executive Director writes on the OECD Forum

Coalition Executive Director, Dr. Nigel Sizer writes in the OECD Forum to call attention to the increased rate of emergence of new infectious diseases due to increased human contact with wildlife - and need to develop a comprehensive approach that includes both pre- and post-spillover interventions to stop future pandemics.
Round up from coalition roundtable at COP 26

On November 9, 2021 the coalition hosted a roundtable at COP26 to hear from Indigenous leaders, government ministers, scientists, and others, about the urgent need for swift actions to address the climate crisis and pandemics.
Watch recording of full session here
Photo credit: Health in Harmony
Coalition prepares summary of interventions to prevent pathogen spillover and curb early disease spread

In advance of the upcoming COP 26 the coalition has prepared a summary of key interventions to address the deeper causes of infectious disease emergence and reduce the risk of future pandemics. Including stopping deforestation, reducing human-wildlife contact in spillover hotspots, improving biosecurity in animal husbandry, shutting down or regulating wildlife markets and trade that pose public health risks, and enhancing surveillance at interfaces between humans, domestic animals, and wildlife
Watch the latest Coalition video showing the links between spillover events and future pandemics

The coalition, together with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology have prepared a video highlighting the rise of zoonotic spillover due to deforestation, and to urge governments across the world to embrace a comprehensive approach to pandemic prevention – one that includes spillover prevention alongside containment, preparedness, and response.
Coalition members write in the Lancet Planetary Health

Members of the coalition and Pallavi Kache, from the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology, Columbia University write in The Lancet Planetary Health about the urgent need for integrated pandemic policies on pathogen spillover.
Coalition prepares letter to President Biden

The coalition calls on the President Biden to include spillover prevention in his plan to stop future pandemics.
On September 14, 2021, we wrote an open letter to President Biden and leaders across the executive branch to underscore the importance of incorporating spillover prevention actions into the White House’s recently released pandemic preparedness plan (American Pandemic Preparedness: Transforming Our Capabilities).
Management Sciences for Health joins our coalition

The coalition is delighted to welcome Managment Sciences for Health as a member of our Coalition.
Management Sciences for Health advances knowledge and technology globally to support people locally to achieve health for all. From ministry to community, private sector to civil society, as trusted advisors, MSH makes the foundational changes that support the whole health system. MSH is a mission-driven, global health nonprofit which, since 1971, has focused on the people at the heart of the health system.
International Fund for Animal Welfare joins our coalition

The coalition is delighted to welcome the International Fund for Animal Welfare as members of our coalition.
The International Fund for Animal Welfare is a global non-profit helping animals and people thrive together. IFAW rescue, rehabilitate, and release animals, and restore and protect their natural habitats. IFAW partner with local communities, governments, non-governmental organizations, and businesses. Together, we pioneer new and innovative ways to help all species flourish.
Statement in response to the findings and recommendations from the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response

On May 12, 2021, our Secretariat released a statement in response to the WHO's Independent Panel report on Pandemic Preparedness & Response, highlighting the need to incorporate spillover prevention into the scope of fully comprehensive pandemic prevention efforts.
Memo to the G20 HLIP on Financing the Global Commons

The coalition calls on the G20 HLIP on Financing the Global Commons to Include Funding for Spillover Prevention into future pandemic financing plans.
On April 30, 2021, we wrote a memo to the G20 High Level Independent Panel on Financing the Global Commons for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, urging them to build a comprehensive financial architecture that enable pandemic prevention at the source.
Coalition members on the Green Root podcast

On March 31, 2021 members of the coalition, Chip Barber from WRI and Bhavana Chilukuri from Dalberg Catalyst, joined the Green Root podcast to discuss the links between forests and pandemics, the increasing rate of spillover events driven by deforestation, and the actions needed to prevent the next pandemic.
Open Letter to United States Congress

On February 10, 2021, we released this open letter urging the United States Congress to include dedicated support for prevention at the source in its COVID Relief Plan. The letter also implores leadership to create a Global Fund for Pandemic Prevention.