Our Coalition's
Policy & Advocacy
Find our most recent policy briefs and press statements:
Recommendations on the Proposal Text of the pandemic accord
The coalition urges member states to retain critical language on primary pandemic prevention, One Health, and equity.
On April 26, 2024, the coalition published these recommendations in response to the Proposal Text of the pandemic accord.
Media advisory and expert statements on the spread of avian influenza
PPATS releases a statement on the global implications of bird flu's spread, and suggests an immediate action plan to prevent the further spread of the disease.
On April 26, 2024, PPATS published this advisory in response to the spread of a highly contagious bird flu (H5N1) to cows—and now detected in milk.
Recommendations on the Revised Draft of the Negotiating Text of the pandemic accord
The coalition urges member states to preserve language on primary pandemic prevention, One Health, and equity.
On March 14, 2024, the coalition published these recommendations in response to the Revised Draft of the Negotiating Text of the pandemic accord.
Recommendations on the Negotiating Text of the pandemic accord
The coalition urges member states to include language on primary pandemic prevention, including recognizing zoonotic spillover as a driver of pandemics and detailing actions to reduce spillover risk.
On November 2, 2023, the coalition published these recommendations in response to the Negotiating Text of the pandemic accord.
Recommendations on the Revision 2 text of the political declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on PPPR
The coalition, the Wildlife Conservation Society, FOUR PAWS, and signatories call on member states to safeguard language recognizing the importance of primary prevention and One Health.
On August 9, 2023, the coalition, WCS, FOUR PAWS, and signatories published these recommendations in response to the Revision 2 text of the political declaration.
Recommendations on the Compilation 1 text of the political declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on PPPR
The coalition calls on member states to include principles and provisions addressing zoonotic spillover (primary prevention), its drivers, and its impact on vulnerable communities within the Compilation 1 text.
On June 23, 2023, the coalition published these recommendations in response to the Compilation 1 text of the political declaration released on June 21st.
Recommendations on the zero draft of the political declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on PPPR
The coalition urges member states to ensure that the zero draft better reflects primary prevention priorities by explicitly mentioning the drivers of spillover and recognizing the crucial role of spillover prevention in achieving global health equity.
On June 10, 2023, the coalition shared these recommendations in response to the first draft of the political declaration released on June 5th.
Recommendations on the Bureau's text of the pandemic accord
The coalition calls on member states to ensure that the zero draft takes a comprehensive, One Health approach to pandemics, which recognizes the value of primary prevention by reducing the risk of spillover.
On June 7, 2023, the coalition released these recommendations in response to the Bureau's text on the pandemic accord, released June 2nd.
Updated recommendations on the zero draft of the pandemic accord
The coalition urges member states to take a comprehensive approach, recognizing the potential of spillover prevention to complement outbreak containment and response.
On April 17, 2023, the coalition released these updated recommendations. They are meant to inform the textual proposals which member states have to submit by April 22nd, 2023.
Recommendations on the zero draft of the pandemic accord
The coalition urges member states to include more detailed and comprehensive provisions on spillover prevention in the zero draft of the instrument. ​
On February 15, 2023, ahead of the 4th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to draft this instrument, the coalition shared this advisory note.
Advisory note on the draft of the Global Biodiversity Framework
The coalition calls on Parties to the CBD to explicitly include reducing the risk of pathogen spillover in target 5 of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).
On December 1, 2022, ahead of the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15), we released this advisory note, reiterating the importance of calling out the links between biodiversity loss and pandemics in the GBF.
Recommendations on the conceptual zero draft of the international instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
The coalition urges member states to ensure that the conceptual zero draft better reflects primary pandemic prevention priorities before being approved as the basis for starting the negotiations.
On December 1, 2022, ahead of the third meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to draft this instrument, we shared these recommendations.
Written submission for the second round of public hearings on the international instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
The coalition calls on WHO and member states to ensure that the instrument explicitly includes provisions to reduce the risk of spillover.
On September 13, 2022, as part of the second round of public hearings on the international instrument, we submitted a video and this associated transcript.
Advisory note on the draft of the international instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
The coalition calls on member states to include in their feedback of the draft of the instrument specific text recommendations to ensure the instrument reflects primary pandemic prevention priorities.
On September 2, 2022, ahead of the deadline for member states to submit feedback on the draft, we released this advisory note outlining the text that we recommend should be added in the instrument.
Recommendations to the Board of the fund for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
The coalition calls on the Board of this new fund to explicitly include spillover prevention in the scope of actions to be supported, to set up an inclusive and diverse governance structure and to revise the operational design of the fund.
On September 2, 2022, ahead of the first Board meeting of this new fund, we reiterated our recommendations on the governance, scope and operations of the fund in this short note.
Recommendations on the draft of a new international instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
The coalition calls on member states to include in their feedback on the working draft of the instrument the position that reducing the risk of spillover must be explicitly included as an objective, with concomitant commitments and actions.
On July 15, 2022, ahead of key negotiations on this draft, we released these detailed recommendations on how to integrate spillover prevention in different sections of the instrument.
Letter to the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors
The coalition calls on the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors to ask for a revision of the proposal to set up a new fund for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
On June 28, 2022, we sent this letter to the Bank's Board outlining our deep concerns with the governance, operations and scope described in the memo to the Board. This memo reflects an outdated and neocolonial approach, and excludes actions to prevent disease emergence which are crucial for the fund's success.
Recommendations to Parties to the CBD on the updated draft of the Global Biodiversity Framework
The coalition calls on Parties to the CBD to include in their feedback on the updated draft of the framework during negotiations in Nairobi from June 21-26 the position that reducing the risk of pathogen spillover must be retained as part of the framework.
On June 13, 2022, we released this advisory note summarizing the coalition's recommendations to ensure pathogen spillover prevention is included in the final version of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
Feedback on the World Bank's white paper on a fund for pandemic prevention, preparedness & response
The coalition calls on the World Bank to ensure that the proposed financial intermediary fund for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response includes spillover prevention in its scope.
On June 1st, the coalition submitted this written input to the World Bank outlining why it is crucial that the fund's focus areas for financing include spillover prevention and why the fund's governance should be more inclusive.
Advisory note on a global fund for pandemic prevention and preparedness
The coalition calls on governments and other donors to support the creation of new fund for pandemic prevention and preparedness.
On May 9th, the coalition released this advisory note outlining why such a fund is necessary and the coalition's recommendations on the fund's structure and governance, scope, funding required and funding sources.
Advisory note on a new international instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
The coalition calls on the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body and WHO member states to include provisions to reduce the risk of pathogen spillover in a new international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
On April 15th, the coalition published this advisory note which outlines in more detail than in our written submission what provisions should be included in the instrument to reduce the risk of pathogen spillover and why including them is crucially important.
Written submission for public hearings on a new instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
The coalition calls on the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body and member states to the WHO to include support for One Health with a focus on preventing pathogen spillover in a new international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
On April 13th, the coalition submitted this written statement as part of the first public hearings held by the WHO. The statement was guided by the question: “What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?”
Recommendations to Parties to the CBD on the first draft of the Global Biodiversity Framework
The coalition calls on Parties to the CBD to include in their feedback on the first draft of the Global Biodiversity Framework, and subsequent negotiations, the position that reducing the risk of pathogen spillover must be explicitly included.
On February 25, 2022, we prepared this advisory note summarizing the Coalition's recommendations on the inclusion of pathogen spillover prevention in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
Recommendations to the delegates in advance of the special session of the World Health Assembly
The coalition calls on the delegates at the WHA special session to ensure that spillover prevention expertise are explicitly included in the development of a new international instrument.
On November 23, 2021, we prepared this advisory note urging delegates to ensure that prevention at the source and reducing the risk of zoonotic spillover inline with the Berlin Principles on One Health be included explicitly in the scope of the development of a new international instrument, recognize the interconnection of human, animal, and ecosystem health.
Coalition letter to President Biden
The coalition calls on the President Biden to include spillover prevention in his plan to stop future pandemics.
On September 14, 2021, we wrote an open letter to President Biden and leaders across the executive branch to underscore the importance of incorporating spillover prevention actions into the White House’s recently released pandemic preparedness plan (American Pandemic Preparedness: Transforming Our Capabilities).
Memo to the Biden Administration
The coalition calls on the Biden Administration to include spillover prevention as part of a comprehensive strategy to prevent future pandemics.
On April 2021 we wrote a memo urging the Biden Administration to ensure the inclusion of actions to prevent spillover at the source in the recently released American Pandemic Preparedness: Transforming Our Capabilities.
Memo to the G20 HLIP on Financing the Global Commons
The coalition calls on the G20 HLIP on Financing the Global Commons to include funding for spillover prevention into future pandemic financing plans.
On April 30, 2021, we wrote a memo to the G20 High Level Independent Panel on Financing the Global Commons for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, urging them to build a comprehensive financial architecture that enable pandemic prevention at the source.​
Open Letter to United States Congress
The coalition calls on the United States Congress to prioritize pandemic prevention
On February 10, 2021, we released this open letter urging the United States Congress to include dedicated support for prevention at the source in its COVID Relief Plan. The letter also implores leadership to create a Global Fund for Pandemic Prevention.
Please contact us if your organization would like to sign on.
Statement for World Health Day 2022 "Our planet, our health"
On April 7th, 2022 our Secretariat released this statement calling major UN bodies and global leaders to include prevention of spillover as a key element of their policy efforts and public communications.
Statement on the IPCC WGII contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report
On March 18th, 2022 our Secretariat released this statement highlighting that safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystems is a win-win strategy to both mitigate and adapt to the severe threats of climate change and protect ourselves from the devastating impact of future pandemics.
Statement on decision to establish UN global accord on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response
On December 9, 2021 our coalition prepared this statement imploring governments to ensure investments in prevention actions are prioritized beyond business-as-usual approaches, including upstream prevention of future pandemics by including mechanisms and funding to reduce spillover risk and a systematic adoption of a One Health approach.
Statement on G7 Leaders’ Summit
On June 11, 2021, our Secretariat released this statement noting how G7 leaders are neglecting critical steps that would reduce the risk of future pandemics.
Statement in advance of the 74th World Health Assembly
On May 20, 2021, the coalition released this statement expressing our concern that measures to be discussed at the World Health Assembly will not prevent future pandemics.
Statement in response to the findings & recommendations from the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response
On May 12, 2021, our Secretariat released this statement in response to the WHO's Independent Panel report on Pandemic Preparedness & Response, highlighting the need to incorporate spillover prevention into the scope of fully comprehensive pandemic prevention efforts.
G7 governments must act fast with a focus on viral spillover to prevent the next pandemic, says new coalition of leading health & environmental groups focused on preventing pandemics at source
On March 05, 2021, the coalition released a press release calling on the Group of Seven (G7) governments to fill a major gap in post-COVID recovery plans.